
Restored in the Wilderness

The Lord gave specific instructions on how to journal God's heart by first journaling expressions to God of what he means to you and your appreciation. Then to write your fears, failures and successes. We also were asked to find a scripture and put yourself in that place of the word. The thought going on in my mind was I didn't want to do it.  I began to think on some things I did not want to face or acknowledge. Spoken by Dr. Rita, :"If God reveal it he will heal it". I began to write my adoration of who my God is and how much I appreciate him. Then I began to write down my fears. As I put this on paper I felt a lifting/release. One of the things I struggle with is being capable of doing or completing something due to educational/emotional challenges I had. I was told by people "Sheila you have the capability of doing this or that . I was prompted to look up the word CAPABILITY. Means....a characteristic that may be developed or potential of being. The spirit spoke to me and said "take the cape off". Wow!  I looked up the word ABILITY.... means  a skill, talent, qualities or legal power to accomplish something. Amen!

I already have what's in me by the grace of God to accomplish whatsoever I will.  I chose the scripture.  II Tim 1:7. ..

For God hath not given us (Sheila) the spirit of fear; (cape) but of power,( ability) and of love, (characteristic) and of a sound mind. Then God gave me something extra. Bless him. I had said to God that I miss writing and I want to write poetry again...yes He did it! Words began to flow ......my heart rejoices in what He's done and what He will continue to do.  I Thank Dr. Rita & Lord & Elegance Ministries for following the leading of  God.


Sheila Rice

Restored in the Wilderness

The Lord did some wonderful things for me while I was at the Wilderness Retreat.  I learned to be quiet and to listen to what God says.  I really enjoyed Dr. Rita.  She truly is a woman of God.  I am so glad each one of the women were very loving and sweet and I'm looking forward for next Retreat.

Love you Dr. Rita,
Sis. Louise

Restored in the Wilderness

I have a deeper sense of 'Gratitude' for all my God has done for me. Nobody BUT GOD could turn my sorrow into Joy. Nobody BUT GOD could take my life in a new path, both Spiritually and Naturally, yet BOTH paths lead me closer to HIM. 

I'm no longer bound by the opinions of man, But it's in Him that I live, move and have my being (Acts 17:28). I will believe the report of God and NOT the Lies of men.

This Retreat has been uplifting in fellowship with my sisters. We committed to love, continue our fellowship  and hold each other up in prayer.

God has opened up my understanding the more,about how deeply the Spirit of Integrity means to Him. He is a God of integrity and looks for us to have the same Spirit. So I  strive to let my words be my bond because I want God to be able to trust me. 


Carolyn Cofield 

Restored in the Wilderness

Dr. Rita, I thank God for the Retreat and for His faithfulness. He knew who would be there and what each of us needed. I realized that some things that hurt me long ago that I thought were gone, weren't gone at all. I thank God for showing me again that He truly loves me and wants the best for me. The guilt is gone from past mistakes. The condemnation is gone. I thank God that the loneliness is gone and that I just want more of him. I thank God for journaling. It's good to put your thoughts and desires on paper. To just journal the heart of God was an eye opener for me. I'm spending more time in the word and meditating on the word. I thank God for every strong hold that he broke in my heart and mind on the Retreat. I thank God for you Dr. Rita and the relationship that you have with each one of us. It is truly awesome. I pray that God continues to bless you so that you can continue to bless the Body of Christ. Can't wait until the next Retreat.

Your Sister, Gemilla

Restored in the Wilderness

I truly Thank God for His faithfulness towards us.  I Thank God that He watches over His Word to perform it.  Months before the retreat, Dr. Rita had been teaching on putting up the "wood of the word". This simply means having scripture for the situations in your life (the things you desire of the Lord and/or the things you want God to deliver you from )and meditating on those scriptures. Well, I had been storing up wood concerning The Holy Ghost (I desired to be refilled) and also some wood concerning some weaknesses in me that I needed deliverance from.  The first day of the Retreat, we were given gift bags with a small booklet in it (My Heart - Christ's Home). We were instructed to read this booklet and tell how it affected us.  The wisdom of God is so far above ours. This small booklet opened the door to a lot of soul searching. During each session, God was stripping us of some hurts, disappointments, fears, etc. He brought clarity and understanding to some situations in our lives. He even brought  us to repentance.  That Sunday morning, God came in that place so. He re-filled me with the precious gift of The Holy Ghost, not to mention delivering me from some fears and struggles. I Thank God for the "Restored in the Wilderness" Retreat. I know I am a new creature in Christ Jesus.

Ria Ball

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